Special Thanks to: Jean Pierre Magro, Lindsay Sanner, Ewan Jones Morris, Martha Appelt, Julie McDonald, Piotr Kaminski, Xuria Cristobal, HANDS-ON Glasgow, BBC-Props
SHOOTING DAYS: 4th of July - 9th of July '08, Red Roof Studios, Leith (Scotland)

Thursday 1 May 2008


There is only Soldier #1 and Joanna in the room. Joanna is pealing some potatoes. Soldier #1 is looking at some rotten flowers standing next to the plastic box on the drawer.

It's unbelievable. This whole fucking war. I left my son thousands of kilometers away from here...
(Joanna is looking at him, but she doesn't understand a word he's saying)
His name is Michael, Michael junior.

He takes a little, black device out of his pocket and gives it to Joanna. She presses a button and a digital flat-holographic video appears from the device - it's his son and another woman - they are smiling. (THIS WILL BE THE ONLY FUTURISTIC OBJECT IN THE WHOLE FILM, which will point that it all happens in the near future!).

What a wonderful boy. How old is he?

I don't understand what you're saying... he's twelve years old and I fucking miss him.
(he shows her 'twelve' with his fingers)

Joanna points at the door and shows 15 with her hands.

Thomas is fifteen and Julie is sixteen.
(she shows 16 with her hands)
Who's that woman on that photo?
(she points at the woman on the digital flat-hologram)

Her name is... was Agnes. I really loved her, but she was killed, first raped and then killed.

I have the most wonderful children in the world and I'll do anything so that they survive and maybe one day they start studying and have their own families.

Soldier #1 looks at her face and at her black eyes... She notices that:

He hit me... this motherfucker hits me, beats me and the children up...

A gentle smile appears on Joanna's face... she keeps on peeling the potatoes. Soldier #1 smiles back. Soldier #2 comes in, he's completely drunk and he's carrying a half-empty bottle with him.

Bonjour! Guess what I've found!

He's looking for glasses, he finds them and puts three glasses on the table. He pours vodka into the glasses.

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